Change of fonts and page alignment.

Discussion in 'Infoway WordPress Theme' started by dienshones, Mar 8, 2013.

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  1. dienshones

    dienshones New Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Hi my side is

    I would like to make amendments to the following and i need help.
    1. Am i able to change the font type at feature page heading?
    2. How do i move up the bottom feature and the font bigger?
    Or perhaps a way to remove the bottom feature?
    3. Footer 3rd widget- how do i adjust my alignment spacing so that my text does not get chopped off?
    4. Can i change the font size / font type of my drop down menu? The current one is too big and stands out too much.

    THanks alot!!! hope someone can help me on this.
  2. Piyush

    Piyush Support Staff

    Dec 8, 2012
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    1. Paste this code in Custom CSS
    Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS
    .slider_wrapper .infotag, .slider_wrapper .infotag p  {
    font-family: verdana;
    inplace of "verdana" you can paste your font.

    2. If you want to, move up bottom feature and change the font size of this section then
    paste this code in Custom CSS
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner {
    margin-top: 30px;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc h2 a {
    font-size: 20px;
    adjust the values of margin-top and font-size as per your requirement.

    If you want to remove this feature area then paste this code in Custom CSS
    .contentbox {
    display: none;
    3. Paste this code in Custom CSS
    .footer .footer_widget.third {
    margin-left: 10px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    Adjust the values of margin as per your requirement.

    4. Paste this code in Custom CSS
    font-family: verdana;
    font-size: 13px;
    inplace of "verdana" you can paste your font and adjust the value of font-size as per your requirement.
  3. dienshones

    dienshones New Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Hi there,
    Thanks alot!
    Some works. But:
    1) How do i change the all fonts in the website to verdana
    As i tried changing in editor it doesn't work.
    2) How do i adjust the type size in testimonials? Also can i shift the alignment over that area?
    Can i have alternative script to remove it?
    3) im using full width page template for most of my pages. How do i adjust the width of each pages to be narrower?
    Thank you!
  4. Piyush

    Piyush Support Staff

    Dec 8, 2012
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    1. Paste this code in Custom CSS
    Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS
    body {
        font-family: verdana;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        font-family: verdana;
    #menu .ddsmoothmenu li a {
        font-family: verdana;
    #menu .ddsmoothmenu li li a {
        font-family: verdana;
    #featured ul.ui-tabs-nav li span h1 {
        font-family: verdana;
    #featured ul.ui-tabs-nav li span p {
        font-family: verdana;
    #featured li.ui-tabs-nav-item a {
        font-family: verdana;
    #featured .ui-tabs-panel .info a.hideshow {
        font-family: verdana;
    #featured .info h2 {
        font-family: verdana;
    #featured .info p {
        font-family: verdana;
    .slider_wrapper .infotag {
        font-family: verdana;
    .slider_wrapper .infotag p{
        font-family: verdana;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc h2 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc p {
        font-family: verdana;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc .readmore {
        font-family: verdana;
    .signupForm h2 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .signupForm .signinForm input[type="text"], .signupForm .signinForm input[type="email"] {
        font-family: verdana;
    .signupForm .signinForm textarea {
        font-family: verdana;
    .signupForm .signinForm input[type="submit"] {
        font-family: verdana;
    .signinformbox1.widget h4 {
        font-family: verdana;
    #carousel-full .carousel-posts li p {
        font-family: verdana;
    #carousel-full .carousel-posts h6 {
        font-family: 'Arvo', serif;
    .testimonial h2 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .footer .footer_widget h4 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .footer-bottom .copyrightinfo {
        font-family: verdana;
    span.colorway {
        font-family: verdana;
    .fullwidth h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .fullwidth p {
        font-family: verdana;
    #contactForm label {
        font-family: verdana;
    #contactForm input[type="text"], #contactForm textarea {
        font-family: verdana;
    #contactForm input[type="text"], #contactForm input[type="email"] {
        font-family: verdana;
    #contactForm input[type="submit"] {
        font-family: verdana;
    .content-bar .post .post_title {
        font-family: verdana;
    .content-bar .post .post_content .read_more {
        font-family: verdana;
    .content-bar .post .box .post_meta {
        font-family: verdana;
    ol.commentlist li.comment .comment-meta a {
        font-family: verdana;
    ol.commentlist li.comment a.comment-reply-link {
        font-family: verdana;
    #respond label {
        font-family: verdana;
    #respond input[type='text'] {
        font-family: verdana;
    textarea#comment {
        font-family: verdana;
    #commentform input#submit {
        font-family: verdana;
    h3#reply-title {
        font-family: verdana;
    .sidebar p {
        font-family: verdana;
    .sidebar ul li a {
        font-family: verdana;
    .sidebar .popular_post li h4 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .gallery-caption {
        font-family: verdana;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc h6 {
        font-family: verdana;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc p {
        font-family: verdana;
    .feturebox .featurebox_inner .featurebox_desc .readmore {
        font-family: verdana;
    Thsi will solve your issue.

    2. If you want to change the font-size of testimonial section then paste the code given below in the Custom CSS
    .testimonial p {
    font-size: 30px;
    .testimonial h2 {
    font-size: 40px;
    We can not shift the testimonial section above that area with the help of custom css unless you custom code something up in the file.Sorry

    if you want to remove this testimonial section then paste the code given below in the Custom CSS
    .testimonial {
    display: none;
    3. Our Infoway theme is implemented on 960 grid system so it is not possible to decrease the width of fulwidth pages.
  5. dienshones

    dienshones New Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Hi thanks a lot!
    It helps a lot!
    Just one last part, How do i adjust the drop down menu font size and space?
  6. Piyush

    Piyush Support Staff

    Dec 8, 2012
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    Paste this code in Custom CSS
    Appearance > Theme Option > Styling Option > Custom CSS
    #menu .ddsmoothmenu li li a {
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 20px;
    Adjust the values as per your requirement.
    This will solve your issue.
  7. dienshones

    dienshones New Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    thank u !
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