Theme Break down

Discussion in 'RoadFighter WordPress Theme' started by outsidebcn, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. outsidebcn

    outsidebcn New Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    I have a serious problem with Road Fighter Pro which is making me think about not using InkThemes any longer and try other ones, but first would like to know if you could help to fix the problem i have.

    Home page becomes suddenly as theme original one, loosing all work done in home page personalisation, custom css, seo information, logo, etc. It happened 7 times in last 4 days and had to start it all over again form zero, but never can finish it at all as it happens once again after along time of work.

    The thing is that all existing blog entries and pages are not lost. All content information is kept by wordpress with no loss, and main menu is also kept and funtional, even at home page, while all slides, featured areas information, bottom area information, links, media button links, contact map, etc simply gone and go back to InkTheme original image, like forst day when recently installed.

    Road fighter version is 1.0.8, and latest wordpress version is also running.

    So by now I have to use a static and boring page as home page

    Any idea? Could you help me?
  2. Nitesh

    Nitesh Support Staff

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Theme don't have such type of issue.
    So it is not possible for me to provide any solution without checking your dashboard environment.
    Please provide the following information listed below.

    Thread Link:
    Your Website URL:
    WordPress Username:
    WordPress Password:

    Send this information on our email at [email protected]
    I will check and try to resolve your issue.

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