Custom menus - need to pay someone to help

Discussion in 'GeoCraft WordPress Theme' started by singlemum, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. singlemum

    singlemum Member

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Hi, I have taken your instructions on making custom menus and have, but really although I have a (national) location menu it's going to end up way too long to be useable, and although I've made a speciality custom menu, I need a way to cross-reference the two - for example, to find a specialist child support lawyer in Sydney, the user would go into maybe the state listing first, then the city - Sydney and then select from the speciality. So my simple custom menus don't work for this - it's either one choice or the other, exclusive of each other which is no help. I need someone to help me work out the menu to work in a combined way, and also clean up how the business lister selects the catagories that they want to be in in a more user-friendly way. The way they are at the moment, they select their location, then they have to keep scrolling down to select their speciality (which are still both separate when it comes to search using these custom menus). Can I pay one of the techs here to help me?
  2. singlemum

    singlemum Member

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Would love an answer on this - or should I just post it on Freelancer for a tech? Would love to get this site launched!
  3. Gourav

    Gourav Support Staff

    Oct 19, 2012
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    Go to Appearance > Widgets
    and create a submenu of location menu that is state and then create a hierarchy of sub menus as per your requirements.
    You can make your desired path using custom menu.
  4. singlemum

    singlemum Member

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Hi, thanks for your reply.
    Some problems I have, is that it would take a veeeery long time to do those sub menus for each and every location, and then vice-versa for each and every speciality if folks were to search by speciality, and then refine it down to the location.
    In addition to this they would be very difficult for a business listee to select correctly as there is only one category selections field area when customers are setting up their business listings - it would get very messy - they would need to tick their state (two boxes, the heading and the actual state), city (two boxes, the heading and the actual city), speciality (two boxes, the heading and the actual speciality/s and I think it would be very difficult and confusing? And that's just if I make it search by location - if I did search by speciality then location, they would need to tick all those boxes as well!
    Plus, when you do the custom menus and install it as a Widget, when website users click on the state from the list the custom menu widget is displaying, it doesn't then give them the list of the 2nd hierarchy - the cities - it just goes to the heading page for states and shows those listings, not the list of cities to select from? So how could the website user be led to the city then speciality?
    Thanks for helping!

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